Disinfections in Tarragona

Disinfection company in Tarragona and pest control ATLAS offers quality disinfection services for companies and neighborhood communities.

Professional disinfections throughout the province of Tarragona and Barcelona.

Professional disinfection Tarragona

ATLAS CP space disinfections

At Atlas Pest Control we offer professional disinfection services for spaces to eliminate germs, virus, bacteria and fungi or pathogens in general. ATLAS CP disinfection tasks in Tarragona are carried out by personnel with specific training using disinfectant chemicals..

Do you need professional disinfection services in Tarragona?

Contact us and request your no-obligation quote right now for the disinfection of business and community environments!!

Types of disinfection

We offer specialized disinfection services for the main types of pathogens. Disinfection results in the elimination or control of microorganisms. Each type of disinfection requires specific biocidal materials, always within the framework authorized by the regulations of the sector. If disinfection is carried out in environments where food is handled, The disinfectant used must be suitable for use in the food industry.

Disinfection against viruses

Disinfection against viruses is necessary when a person carrying the virus has been in the environment. It is also necessary if, Due to the flow of people, the risk of contagion is high (for example in waiting rooms of health centers, transport hubs, waiting rooms with a lot of traffic etc.).

It is recommended to carry out disinfection, especially when a case of disease is confirmed in the area to be disinfected..

Virus disinfection only serves to eliminate viruses that may have been left on surfaces prior to treatment.. Does not prevent subsequent infection of the area if it comes into contact with a virus source again.

Bacterial disinfection

Bacterial disinfection is necessary on all types of surfaces, especially in the case of food warehouses, spaces with a lot of traffic and that can come into contact with transmission vectors such as rodents, cockroaches, flies, etc.

Unlike disinfection against viruses, specific bactericidal treatments are used.

Disinfection against fungi

Disinfection against fungi is necessary in places where conditions exist that favor the appearance of fungi.. Although most fungi are not dangerous, some species can seriously affect health. Fungal disinfection is done with specific products distributed with an ultra-low pressure pump., nebulization or thermo nebulization.

Where do we carry out disinfection treatments??

Disinfection treatments should be carried out especially in spaces where there are confirmed cases of a viral or bacterial disease.. Also prioritized for disinfection are any areas where pest infestations carrying pathogens are found. (cockroaches, rodents, aves).

In addition to these spaces, disinfection services are usually needed in transit and contact areas such as:

  • showers and changing rooms
  • testers
  • gyms
  • spa
  • pools
  • Hotels
  • restaurant dining rooms
  • school cafeterias
  • educational center rooms


Disinfections in Tarragona


Contact our disinfection experts in Tarragona

Request your quote without obligation for virus disinfection, fungi and bacteria.

Consultation prices for disinfection in Tarragona.

Contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Pest control offer for commercial companies, restaurants, stores, campsites and neighborhood communities

20% discount

in Comprehensive Pest Control

  • Effective treatments for cockroaches, rodents, ants, termites and more.
  • We use safe and environmentally friendly products.

Call us now and take advantage of the offer!

977 94 71 27

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