Control of pine processionary in Tarragona province
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Pine processionary control company in Tarragona ATLAS CP
Eliminate pine processionary in Tarragona
If you are dealing with pine processionary and need to remove bags of caterpillars in Tarragona and surrounding areas, we are your best option.
Getting to know the Pine Processionary
The pine processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) It is native to southern and central Europe and has expanded its presence to the north, possibly due to recent climate changes. These insects are known to be pests that mainly affect pines and other conifers., although they can also be found in cedars and cypresses. Your name, “procesionaria”, It is due to its characteristic group behavior when the caterpillars move in a row., forming a procession.
Health Risk
The main characteristic of these caterpillars is their covering of small stinging hairs that can cause allergies and represent a health risk.. These allergies can manifest as skin irritation., such as rashes or rashes in areas such as the neck, the arms, legs and torso, and can persist for weeks. Besides, These hairs can also cause eye irritation and respiratory problems.

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Do you need to eliminate pine processionary in Tarragona effectively and lastingly??
Proper removal of pine processionary is essential to protect the health and well-being of your environment. In ATLAS Pest Control, We are committed to providing effective and safe solutions to address this problem in Tarragona and its surroundings., guaranteeing your peace of mind.
Details about the pine processionary pest
- Egg Laying: Each female processionary butterfly can lay up to 200 eggs on top of trees.
- Host Choice: Female butterflies have the ability to identify different types of pine trees through their sight and smell., which influences the choice of the place where they lay their eggs.
- Number of Caterpillars: in a single tree, it is possible to find up to 2000 eggs that, upon hatching, will give rise to an equivalent number of caterpillars.
- Urticating Hairs: Each of these caterpillars has around 1000 stinging hairs, which can give rise to clouds of these hairs capable of causing allergies and even triggering asthma episodes..
Another sign of a flea infestation is small red bites on your legs or feet when you wake up in the morning., since fleas are more active at night.
If you see any of these signs or suspect the presence of fleas, It is important to take pest control measures immediately to prevent the infestation from spreading further in your home..
How to Know if You Have a Pine Processionary Pest
Identifying a pine processionary infestation in your environment can be important to take preventive or control measures in time.. Here's how you can tell if you have a pine processionary infestation.:
- Observe the pines and conifers: The pine processionary feeds on the leaves of pine trees and other conifers.. Observe trees on your property or in nearby areas for signs of defoliation or leaf damage.
- Look for nests: Pine processionary caterpillars will weave nests in tree branches. These nests are usually white or gray, and have a characteristic hanging bag-shaped appearance.
- Observe the ground: Pine processionary caterpillars descend from the tree in a procession to bury themselves in the ground and pupate before becoming adult butterflies..
- Allergy symptoms: If you or people around you begin to experience allergic symptoms, as skin irritation, rashes, itchy throat or difficulty breathing, and these reactions occur in an area where a pine processionary pest has been identified., It is important to consider the possibility that the stinging hairs of these caterpillars are causing these problems..
- Consult an expert: In case of doubt or for precise confirmation, it is recommended to contact a pest control professional or an arboriculture expert.
It is essential to address a pine processionary infestation properly, since it can affect both trees and the health of people and animals. Early detection and quick action are key to minimizing the damage and risks associated with this pest..
Meet the processionary
To effectively eliminate the pine processionary, it is important to know its life cycle and when you are most likely to suffer the effects of this pest..
The life of the pine processionary goes through several stages, from its initial phase as an egg to its transformation into an adult butterfly. Next, We present a summary of the main stages of its life cycle:
- Eggs: The life of the processionary begins with laying eggs. Adult butterflies, that are nocturnal, They lay their eggs on tree branches., mainly in pines and other conifers.
- Caterpillars: Once the eggs hatch, caterpillars emerge. These are the larval form of the processionary and are known for their hairy appearance and long stinging hairs.. Caterpillars feed on tree leaves and build nests in branches where they take shelter and reproduce..
- Nida: The nests of the pine processionary are characteristic. They have an elongated shape and resemble hanging white or gray silk bags. Inside these nests, caterpillars group together and overwinter.
- Descent to the ground: As spring approaches, caterpillars leave their nests in procession, walking in single file looking for a suitable place to bury themselves in the ground. Over there, They build an underground chamber where they pupate and transform into chrysalises..
- Adult butterflies: After a pupation period lasting several weeks, caterpillars transform into adult butterflies. Butterflies emerge from the ground and go out in search of a partner to reproduce.. This cycle repeats itself when adult butterflies lay eggs on trees and a new life cycle begins..
Contact the experts
If you want to eliminate pine processionary or take preventive actions to protect your trees or property, contact now.
Tarragona pine processionary control
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